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How Many Times A Day To Skip Rope For Weight Loss?

Views: 49     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-12-14      Origin: Site

Anyone who wants to lose weight knows that exercise can help lose weight and eliminate fat, and regular exercise can help maintain body shape. Generally speaking, besides running, the most common exercise is skipping rope, so if you want to skip rope to lose weight, how many times a day do you need to skip rope?

1. How many times a day should you jump rope to lose weight?

Generally speaking, it takes at least 3000 times to jump rope at a time, but the effect of uniform speed is not obvious. So you can jump at a variable speed, constantly changing your heart rate.

As for the speed, you need to jump to about 140 times per minute, so that the heat in the body will be consumed at a relatively fast rate. The duration of skipping rope should be more than 30 minutes, which will have a better weight loss effect and allow fat to be fully burned and consumed.

But remember, whether it's jumping rope or doing other sports, you have to do it according to your own situation. When jumping rope, you don't need to force yourself to jump how many times. You can set the amount of exercise according to your physical condition, and then slowly stack it up. This is the correct way.

jump rope

2. How long does it take to lose weight by skipping rope?

Skipping rope to lose weight generally takes half a month to a month to have obvious results. It is recommended to skip rope 3 to 4 times a week. Some people are eager to lose weight and continue to increase the time of skipping rope, but in fact, it cannot help lose weight, instead, you will be injured. Rope skipping is an aerobic exercise, which requires more than half an hour of exercise to achieve good results. During rope skipping, blood is distributed to the sports organs to ensure the need for energy metabolism during exercise. If you stop suddenly without relaxation after skipping rope, it will affect the venous return and cause physical discomfort. More importantly, proper stretching can protect the normal activities of each joint in the body and keep the body in good condition during exercise.

3. Who is suitable for skipping rope to lose weight?

Skipping rope is suitable for most people, but people who are uncomfortable with a little exercise are not recommended to skip rope, and they can choose to walk to lose weight. Obese people are not suitable for jumping rope to lose weight, because when they jump, their weight can easily put too much pressure on the leg joints and cause injury.

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